Abandoned… Adopted

This kitty cat was abandoned by the mother.There were already bugs and spiders on it. My cuzz found it on Saturday and brought it back home. Even the eyes have not opened yet and the umbilical cord still in tact. So sad!! The kitty can’t do much but just meow-ed away. Just fed it with milk on the sponge… For now, we’ll just take care of it first….


  1. aiyoooo so sayang. that is a newborn.
    u need to get the special milk formula from the vet.
    and he will need his shots, cos sure very weak and senang sakit.

    such big hearts to rescue the kitty!!

  2. so kecik…i used to bring home 1 kitten exactly like urs…feed it everyday…sayang syang…but after a few days it died in my hand….so sad….i feed him dgn sus kotak…but i dun think so leh…they nedd special susu

  3. Kena jaga betul2 tau coz at this stage, mortality rate is high esp kalau terpisah ngan mak dia. Kena feed regularly..every 2 hrs mcm baby lah gitu..kalau tak leh kena dehydration and can die from it. Lepas susukan…den kena use wet cotton pad to lap the genital to induce it to urinate. Kalau ada mak dia..mak dia akan lick so that the kitten will urinate.

  4. SUSU BIASA IS A NO-NO!!! Kena beli formula dia..kat kedai pet shop pun ada…better to bring to vet to get advice pasal at this stage very very prone to infection especially without the mum's milk. Just remember….feed every 2 hrs.. Sorrylah me bnyk sgt nak ckp tapi ni sharing my experience and what i've learnt.

  5. haiyoh. like the one i found in paperbag outside my door. that lil' one's injury to the eye was too drastic already. now then i know SPCA rescues injured newborns within 30 minutes.

  6. susu kotak cannot lah sayang.
    needs special kitty milk with impt nutrients cos it is still nursing, susu powder mix w warm water macam utk baby. beli bottle also, and litter so if she peepee in box rumah tak smelly.

    what time u want to go bugis? i also need to buy stuff for george – i got discount card. call me at wrk.

  7. Kesiannye… I also got take home once like this alhamdulilah dia ok sampai skrng.. Kak jangan kasi susu kotak.. the good one is susu serbuk at petshop, it is especially for kitten, have to mix with hot water..

  8. awww… yes please use susu specially made for them..ada bottle oso to feed them easier.. how is the kitten dear? i use to have three small kittens just like dat..hard to jaga but kalo da suka..semua okay..sadly all of them reject the milk and died..one by one.. i pray that the kitty is okay cos kalo da besar nanti..sure LAWAR!!!

    All the best! 🙂

  9. hi hi…
    heheh the kitty kat was ok with the milk tapi 2 jam 2 jam bangun to feed sal asyik meow meow jer… cam dah jaga baby
    hehhehe =) but all is ok… cuma tunggu dier buka mata jer…

  10. george skin infection like eczema until his skin at his joints inflammed cauing open wounds and he scratch2 until botak. kesian.

    he is on antibiotics, antibiotic cream and steriods : ( then aiyo…medicine time he runs to a corner and bury his head!! macam ostrich!!