The One With The Fractured Ankle Guy =p

If it’s not for the Hari Raya Geylang Bazaar, I think we won’t be meeting Ezzad… =p Ezzad, Arfah and myself met up yesterday. he fractured his ankle due to soccer and is on MC for 3 months. Though his ankle was casted and he was in crutches, he was still able to pick me up from work in his red Mazda 8 before picking Arfah up @ her work place. Decided to go for some food as well as catching up with each other. We settled for Cafe Del Mar @ Sentosa. Here goes…. NEVER EVER go there for the food!! It’s not worth it, cost wise and taste wise!!. But other than that, the ambience is super way cool! Pix are with Arfah. Forgot the cammie dat day…

Us 2 ladies can’t stop dreaming of the plans we have in mind!! Looking forward to the September and November affair… weeee!!!

*gosh! I put on weight!! Uwa!!!*


  1. ehh hari raya??
    a'ah lar .. dah bulan 4 eh .. cepat seyyyy! arghhhhh!!!
    Tini? nice watt .. berisi skit .. but looking good looking good!!!!

  2. ezzad memang..very degil one..dat day we went watch movie,but yg kesian nyer there's i nite he came down to mit me n frens drinking b4 club..n in the end dia kena balik coz obviously he cant club..hehe