Mind Overload

I guess the mind is overloaded with too many happennings in life right now. I have no one but just to blame myself for everything… =( Thanks gerls for being there. Thanks for telling me wat I did was wrong. Thanks for trying to knock some sense into this thick skull of mine…

The late nite Kuntilanak did scare the hell out of me. Am still humming the tune in my mind. But wat the heck… Nurul kalau kau dapat record tat part kan sila hantar aku pls… *hur hur* Imagine malam-malam org kol and that tune came out… Sheesh~


  1. heh anytime for a best gf 🙂

    hah that humming indon part gotta wait wen i get back to work on thursday. dun worry aku confirm passing kau punyer hurhur.

    anyway take this time off at your own time ya. i hope things will get better for you. *hug hug*

  2. no humming of that pls! gum got the hell loose out of me when she played it to me thru' her hp tdy !

    and you will do just fine again. dont rush ya..

    i love fah's crib and the pasta.

  3. muahahhaha…. i sooooo wish that u are reading this comment now!!
    kau imagine cermin kat bilik kau!!!
    muahhahha *evil lafter*

    hahahha fah kau visualise kau nyer mirror and also tini nyer haunted bali ash tray

    omg my girlfriends are sick!
    korang jahat tau tak.
    no more cream tuna and mushroom. 🙁

    ina, lain kali cabot jer. hee.