Bourjois… My Dear Sweet Bourjois! Uwa!!

I have always been using Bourjois for my beauty stuffs. It’s been a while since I last purchased from them… I went there the day before during my dinner break but the lady wasn’t there. So today when I went during my 1 hr break, got my normal stuffs and was talking to the lady for a few recommendations… I liked the glitter eyeshadow, the collagen foundation and a few other that she recommended…Paid for them but I only felt the Ouch! only when I reached back the office. Close to $300 for just the beauty stuffs!! Uwa!!

As of now, my raya shopping shall end!


  1. urgh! $300 spent at one go?!? yah i totally noe dat feeling! onli felt the pain biler itu duit sudah dibayar and ur conscience bugging u.. *camat hari raya in advance yer..