Glucorein PCOS

I was reading up some forums that I’m on for PCOS and most of these ladies are also trying Glucorein. However, it is only available in the US. I have read the success stories in these forums and am really wanting to try it out. So they replied me and ask me to check with my local gynae for this first. So I did, called up Dr. J’s nurse and asked if they have the medication. Sadly they do not have it yet in Singapore. Upon further digging up, I was listening to a radio talk show on this Glucorein and found out that it is available for both PCOS as well as for people with Diabetics. Glucorein does not cure PCOS but curbs some of the symptoms that people with PCOS have.

You could read up more at the following links.

I managed to get a code for ordering but utilizing my VPost. So we’ll see. If there is a breakthrough for PCOS, and people have been successfully using it, what the heck…

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