Orgasmic BANGET!

I am excited all over… can tingling sensation… as Arfah’s younger sis, ala the young Paris Hilton, Wardha, says… “Orgasmic BANGET!*hahhaah kecik kecik dah pandai, ni mesti kakak dier ajar tau… heheh* I can’t help recalling her lentok-ness, her fringe and the lipstick tat she used as a blusher and her innocent look when u asked her…Β @ Arfah’s place on Saturday! Hhehehe Fah tu dua kau nak kena jaga! :p

The sketches, the colours and the new range of Lola products that we are doing, sewing, and brainstorming… makes me sex-cited! Hopefully all are in time for the raya sales!

Fah, dun forget the signs for lefts and right when we make our way to Sengkang this Sat on the scoots! Hahaha… Confirm Sesat!!!


  1. confirm one of the KAKAKs ajar – cant be the brothers kan?

    u know how to make your way to fah's place right? from there follow the 88 bus route..towards sengkang tau, bukan ang mo kio!

  2. i tell you~~~ the young'uns tak kena kak nis nyer fierce.
    ni mesti tgk tv tau….nonsense programs kan kan kan?

    at least they didnt learn baasssskkeeeett and blarrrdy fool from gramps.


  3. malam pun chek tak kisah nyah…

    haha.. will confirm with you guys the day before ok…
    if not i will take it from bukit batok (psst bukit gombak boleh?)
    haha.. banyak songeh lak..

  4. aiyoh…that swinnnnnee is a classic. can u imagine if she is jaga-ing paris and nicole? we know what indah is capable of!!

    you two this sat nak makan ape? pizza martini's can? malas nak tumis tumis