Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

Am sure you guys have heard of the famous malay folktales of Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih… I chanced upon the box set CDs (Indonesia telemovie) at Mustaffa Centre. I think its being shown at TV3. There were a total of 18 episodes, each VCD, is 1 hour. Imagine that I was not out on a Saturday night watching each and every one of them one by one!! And till now i have not slept yet!

I think the actresses and actors played their roles very well… most of the time I was so angry @ Bawang Merah (aka Siska) and the step-mum, Rika. The way they ill-treated Bawang Putih (aka Alya) after the mum passed away gara-gara mereka… I just feel like going into the TV screen and strangle them… WADUH… JAHAT BANGET!! No matter how ill-trated she was, she still remained calm… I tought that by buying that box set, there would be an ending…. but NAH-AH!!! Ish!! Now I have to make my way down to Mustaffa Centre again to get other episodes!! So no more hindustans… gayak-nya Indon saja minggu ini! =p


  1. heehhe… sanggup … ken ken pinjam… lemme know when you free i can pop by somewhere central or if your hubby @ adam road prolly can pass to him the next tym round i go there…

  2. yea. the casts came down to my office (Sri Pentas, TV3) for a meet-the-fans session! macam nak gila dibuatnya! it was as if Michael Jackson was in town or something. and you're right about them being a hit. But only in KL and Spore (now that I know) it seems. In Indonesia, they're just like every other sinetron. And yes.. I took photos with Mak Tiri and Bawang Putih. Hmpph! (Jangan mareee..) hahah..