Ninaoyah!! ^&$%@!@#@$#@!%
Was woken up from my sleep by my grandmum. A neighbour from the opposite block said my bike fell!! By the time I got there Zaf was already helping my bike! The bike fell to the right! Arrrgghh!! &^%#@! Signal lights pecah, scratches here and there… Overflow!!! Mud guard dented a bit! Mesti one of the delivery vans or some shitheads reverse, langgar tak tau nak own up!! Bingits!!! Arrrgghh!! @%^&!%#@!#
oh my =/
sabar beb sabar..
but if i were u also cannot tahan liao hehe
oh gosh.. kurang ajar tul.. inconsiderate sey/..
i dint noe u ryde..!
wahseh rabaaaaak. sungguh jahat orang itu!
yeah have to sabar jer lah
too bad no one saw..
ish… *bingits*
yups a pink vespa PX200
yups a pink vespa PX200
yeah tell me abt it feeling freaking pissed!
oohh no…tats bad… 🙁
next time dun park it near to cars ar…dangerous sey..dorang ni sesuka ati dorang jek…bosoh tul…da jatuhkan tu at least angkat la…
sabar ishtifar hee.. eh kalau aku pun ati sakit kalau happen to my car or motobike!! shit!! kite susah2 gilap smp kilat ni org senang da jatuhkn tk angkat tkkn kena tiup angin kot.. so how?
kau suroh tete maki dia…
chibai loe!!!
hahahha nak tersembur kopi aku fah!
alamak..teruk tu…sabar beb..
hahaha. skali dia maki chibaibaaaaai…
nabey tut tut betul ar!!
alamak heart pain! lek lek…
teringat aku masa 'kawan' aku nya vespa biru jatuh kat dalam longkang..minyak tumpah kat seat.. sepanjang jalan naik vespa biru dia bontot kepanasan.. *wink wink mummy adyan*
aiyooh!! stoopid fella who knocked yr bike !! curse him/her !
ur pink vespa was a real beauty sey..
celakak peh orang.. takpe.. its a matter of time jer..
confirm dia kena balik lagi teruk…
have you check how much the total cost to rectify?
i mean those scratches.. ishk darah naik jer..
dats why lah! ish!!
ahahhah siak teringat tete… =p
ahahha aku pun tau crita tu…=p
niat di ati memang nak spray… tunggu pulus ajer…
now got reason! heeheeh
heart pain many2…
yup yup sabar lebih…
buy new bike ar..!! settle
pinkie vespa ko pe khabar sihat lum? 😉
manyak duit…??