X’Mas Picnic @ East Coast

It was the parents’ 30th wedding anniversary… I decided to be a good girl and please them today. Woke up early, did all the necessary houseworks and off we were to ECP for just some family bonding! Armed with my Canon 500D and the LX-3 & not forgetting the tripod, I was determined to try out the settings… just because I had the hyper-active Hayden in tow! I was pleased with some of the shots. I had fun doing the slow shutter shots for the night shots!

Mum  & Dad were bz with movies on the iPhone as well as the portable DVD player. @ least they were sporting enuff to do the jump shots. Bro was down and out of love. He is under-going a break-up but of coz he didnt show. But baguskanlah tu… dua2 ngah down & out! But dua2 tak nak show!
