Day 15

My cycle ended on the 5th and the pain for the abdominal cramps were excruciating. I started on clomide on the 3rd day onwards. Somehow having to down 4 pills at one go was a problem for me. At the same time, because the dosage was upped to 200g, I […]

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Day 2

Yesterday night became so excruciating. I did not have my Synflex @ home, there wasn’t any Panadol extra. I was going through it alone. It became so unbearable that I was curling up like a prawn and bawling my eyes out. I got dressed and walked slowly to the Esso […]

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Day 1 :/

Aunt Flo came to visit… *finally* Sucky start to the new year – cramps, PMS and other egoistical factors do not blend well together. Some people just don’t get it that PMS do exist and it’s not some form of payback, childish feelings or all-in-the-head kinda thing. You need to […]

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What a way to welcome in the new year! =/ Ppl say the most insensetive things and are adamant that they are right… Pppfffttt…

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Day 1 of Pills Fest

Was thinking on keeping an online tab of the pills taken and the side effects (if any) that I am having on this journey of mine. So here’s to Day 1 of Norethisterone and Metformin for today. I hope this time round something will happen. Kinda scary reading up on […]

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Class 3

So finally I have booked my Traffic Police test for my class 3 license. Need it badly! It’s such a hassle depending on people when you have things to buy and errands to run. Weather plays a part in December and using the vespa is out of  the question for […]

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Sometimes the frustrations just creeps in. No matter how hard I try to ignore the feeling, it’ll always be there. I wonder how those people who tries for so long cope with the emotional roller coaster.

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So many things to update!

Finally the events have come to an end… errr for October. I can finally breathe! Will update the latest happenings for the past month. In the meantime, I miss my bed badly!  

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It’s Already Been Said…

If it were me then, I would have lashed out anything and everything that could come out of my mind/ mouth.. I guess I have mellowed down quite a fair bit. The stubborn-ness will always be there but that’s just coz of the way I look at things in life. […]

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