Goat’s Milk


Dad finally got me the goat’s milk. My house is actually pretty near to Hay Dairies farm but I had to be the manja-30-something-year-old girl and got my parents to help me get ’em.

They have 2 options. If you opt for a delivery, their 200ml bottle cost $2.50 each and you need a minimum order of 1600ml. http://haydairies.com.sg/component/content/article/96-delivery-service

If you opt for direct purchase, the 200ml cost $2 and you’ll get a cooler box if you purchase 5 of ’em. http://haydairies.com.sg/component/content/article/97-direct-farm-purchase

So dad was asking me to drink 1 bottle first in front of him. I was bracing myself for this. Mentally getting ready to puke it out but suprising enuff it was errr… drinkable. There was a slight after taste but tak hamis at all like what I hear.

So yeah, it’ll be goat’s milk for a while!