Things that I have to Endure

I wasn’t at all looking forward to meeting Dr. J coz I know it’s not gonna be anything positive. So when we met him, I told him exactly what happened. He told me that it was too soon to detect anything but the ovulation was a positive sign. So we will have to come back next week for another test… =( Sigh, the things that I have to go through.

I remembered 2 very distinct occasions where I tell myself that I do not want to go through again. One was the scraping of my uterus lining to check if I had any cancer coz I was bleeding non-stop for 2 weeks. Also known as curettage. I tell you… after that I literally knelt down in front of my mum who accompanied me, cried and escorted to the toilet and vomited. The pain was excruciating. Felt as if u are being skinned alive… 🙁

Image Source: Aurora Health Care

The other ordeal was to check if my Fallopian tubes were blocked. They had to insert a thin tube in to my vagina and uterus and release a dye to see if it flows through smoothly. the procedure is also know as hysterosalpingogram (HSG). Also done when I am wide awake… 🙁

Image Source: MoonDragon’s ObGyn Womens Health Information

I hope that I won’t have to go through any other stuffs as awful as those above. But then again if I have to opt for IVF, then it’s self inflicted needle pokes for me… :S


    1. Hi Nurul,

      It was for me. When they inserted the tube in, it was still ok but as they pushed it in and moved it around to release the day, I broke out in cold sweats after that. Did not like the feeling. But I do have some friends who went through it and they mentioned that it was bearable for them.

      Hope everything works out fine for you. *virtual hugs*