2009 – My Soon-to-Be New Beginning Updates!

It had been a long day for both of us on the eve of the new year. We were practically going from one vendor to another to make sure that our preparations were in order. I was freaking pissed at the vendor who did my wedding cards. Cock up big time I tell ya! Nak ikutkan hati, I wanted to strangle and shout back @ him. Mum reminded me that ini semua cubaan.. :/ So both of us held back…

The pictures from Exclusive studio turned out great! It was beyond our expectations.. =) Can’t wait to collect them next week! Nan just have to find a lil’ more stuffs for the dulang decos… =) So by the tym we reached back his place, he was pretty tired since he went out right after his night shift.

So when the fiance fell asleep, I was multi-tasking doing my invite list and playing both Mafia Wars (thanks to Azman for getting me hooked) and I found Fashion Wars (I am getting other people hooked) on Facebook! So when the clock struck midnight and the fireworks on TV @ Marina started to blast, I was still playing the 2 games and getting Arfah hooked as well.. =p Woke the fiance up a while… say Happy New Year to him and he fell back asleep again! Bleargh! =p

To date, its gonna be about a month exactly before THE day! Most of the preparations are in place. It’s just the paying and paying part ada ouch sket! But other than that.. all is fine! =) See you ladies and gents soon! Cards should be on the way by this week. =)



  1. wewwwiiiitttt… soon cuzzy… one month will pass by very fast… cant wait for your big day now… nanti i pulak yg sibuk2 pat bb k… hehehe

  2. wedding wishes for u babe.. may the love & happiness surround both of u in times to come and definitely many2 babies ok.. πŸ˜‰ congrats to u again and again! πŸ˜‰