Rating: ★★★★★
Category: Movies
Genre: Action & Adventure

300’s trailer was first introduced to me by my part time lecturer @ work, was telling me about the animation and how most of the background was digitised and how it was remarkable.

Until after watching the sneak peek, how true it was. Based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller, 300 is a ferocious retelling of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae in which King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite.

The 8-10 packs on the Spartan’s bodies were just way cool and to me Xerxes looked like Kumar @ some angles. to me the movie was awsome and as the boo would say he won’t mind watching the movie again.



  1. I absolutely LOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE this movie too ! I thought i like the visual effects too. Same like Sin City. I admire King Leonidas tenacity. How i wish Singy has him as a king ? What ???!!! This movie is a remake of 300 Spartans which was aired in the 60s i think. That ol version was good too ! 😛

  2. That was the exact same thing i whispered to the bf when Xerxes came on! And i think Kumar would have played the role even better especially as Xerxes throwing his hissy fits and also posing on his dais muahahaha. ~xyd