It was a last min meet-up session @ Ina’s crib. I was supposed to pass her the bracelet but what the heck, I asked the rest… In the end, Liza, Nurul & Fandy, me & the fiance, bought some food @ CCK. While the guys listened on to Wan’s mishap, the ladies we busy cooking up beef marinara pasta & finger food for a mini gathering. Hilfi’s as cute as ever… =) In the end we watched Pocong 2, having Liza covering her eyes & ears most of the time. Hehehhe… Sorry ladies, not much photos… =p
hilfi masyaallah comel lote to the max!!! 😉
hehhehe yups dapur ina slalu berasap…=p
haha masak pasta tini. aku goreng2 ajerlaaaaah
hahaahh!! saham up!! oh ak ah.. ni emua bakal isteri tk lama lagik!!! tp nurul kena kerje keras sikit to confirm!! hahah!!
where is the pix of the pasta? tk dpt rasa.. tgk gambar pon jadilah.. hehe
i love your LX1..
belikannnn… 🙁
arghh those eyes!!
ina .. hilfi rambut da long ehhh!!
hehheheh… b'day wish eh….
aku kasi kau ah LX1….
err….box dier…..=p
eh tu mana kira nurul!!
aku rasa yg do most of the work was Khairul horkay!!
ahahah pecah lobang….
ttttaaaaak. kitorang masak sama2 ok :p
omigod!!!! now this picture he looks like Wan!!!
ina kan kan??
renungan mahal ni!! hehhe!! dr tepi pass mcm INA!! part dagu kiut tu.. hahahah!!! depan needless to say!! *hilfi must b tinking asl dgn org tua sebelah aku ni* ehheeh!!