Food, Movie, Good Company

It was a last min meet-up session @ Ina’s crib. I was supposed to pass her the bracelet but what the heck, I asked the rest… In the end, Liza, Nurul & Fandy, me & the fiance, bought some food @ CCK. While the guys listened on to Wan’s mishap, the ladies we busy cooking up beef marinara pasta & finger food for a mini gathering. Hilfi’s as cute as ever… =) In the end we watched Pocong 2, having Liza covering her eyes & ears most of the time. Hehehhe… Sorry ladies, not much photos… =p


  1. renungan mahal ni!! hehhe!! dr tepi pass mcm INA!! part dagu kiut tu.. hahahah!!! depan needless to say!! *hilfi must b tinking asl dgn org tua sebelah aku ni* ehheeh!!