Goodbye Nokia…

Got myself these 2 new gadgets over the weekend! Saying goodbye to my Nokia N80 for the new Samsung Ultr Edition… =) Slim slim phone.. but now it’s the getting used to it part… =) The new Vodafone wireless by M1 will come in very handy for me when it comes to using the net on the go for work wise. Meaning… I can be anywhere in Singapore, anytime and just plug it in and I’ll be able to surf the net with my lappie top… No need to look for a hotspot @ designated areas. =)


  1. I've stopped using Nokia for the longest time and now like you I'm a samsung fan..luv their new designs..very ultra sleek and nice..dun worry bout the usage..its EASY!
    you'll get used to it in no time at all!

  2. Scoobert & Sharin
    mana ada kaya… its cutting cost for the internet… current on Cable but don't really use it…

    the fone i don't pay anything…. =p
    use voucher.. =)

  3. me and sony ericsson ken never click… once i bought a fone under sony, tak sampai 2 hari i was selling it off… *ppfftt* =/

    yups shuld get the vodafone wireless

  4. hahah!! ko dgn sony bkn fren2 la.. hahaha!! aku lak nk try sbb boyfie aku pakai sony tp watever it si aku tetap suke NOKIA la beb.. hahah!!

    aku nk wireless tu tp bulan2 bayar 30 bucks kn… mcm line la..