Things Happen for A Reason…


A close gf is going through so much and it reminded me of another gf who whent through somewhat the same thing. I heart them so much and it’s painful to see them cry and to get hurt. You are strong in your own ways, it justs takes time to overcome the hardship.

I was reading a religious book that mum lend me and in the first chapter itself abt iman & redha, the author states that usually when you pray for something to happen and it didn’t happen the way you planned or asked for because nothing good will come out of the it.ย Just know that ย HE has something better in store for you along the way, that’s why HE is not fufilling your prayers now. It’s about having faith and serahkan to HIM that HE knows what’s best for you… ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope that portion will help you ladies in whatever circumstances you face during this hardship. As for me, I keep telling myself to sabar coz whatever is going on in my sucky life is just a test from HIM. HE has something better in store for me in the future. Insya-allah! ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Dear BB, thank you for sharing a thought about me. I will bear that in mind. Actually it is all up here but right now it is not strong enough to overwrite the remorse feelings. Love takes time to heal when you are hurting so much.

    Anyhow, I hope you have good things coming your way. Sooner or later.

  2. yes, i’d like to believe in that. i am leaving it to Him, to bring Porta to me in 2010. Insyaallah, AMIN.

    BBs, thank you for being there for me when i was at my lowest, during my most difficult and trying times. this may sound cliche but i could not have done it without you girls by my side, spurring me on with endearing strength and constant encouragement.

    im sure penelope will sober up one day, just like i did. and gain something positive out of the experience. insyaallah.