Tini’s & Gum’s B’Day Celebration

T’was after werk that the ladies planned for a meet up. Gum and I met up outside GAP @ Wisma. They came with the birthday crown and the helium balloons… =) We had our dinner @ Breeks, the saliva-covered, but tasty chocolate b’day cake. Thanks to the trick candles… =p It was then sit and presents @ Spinelli’s @ HMV… I got my Kate Spade.. Lurve it!! Dah start pakai pun & Gum got her Miu Miu for her early b’day celebration. =p This completes the whole KKPL b’day celebration.. =) So its a whole load of Fah’s shoulders and the next even will be soon! Weee!!


  1. are u saying ina is the heavy load? :p
    cos she's kinda leaning on my shoulders.

    and btw, it was group effort.
    not heavy, not a load at all.
    just a pressure…eh salah, pleasure! hehehe.

  2. kurang gula betul! are u saying im heavy? keh.

    wei. group effort jugak. pikir mcm nak rak sey mcm mane nak surprisekan si nurul ni. over pizza lagi. nasib fir blanje hari tu. berbaloi jgak.

    althou kiter banyak selalu ter-off topik. abang fir jugak kena fokuskan kita. 😛 'focus fah…focus!'

  3. haha. aku kena la ni. kau pun sama. conversation slalu lari. lol! thanks for the pizza fir! bila-bila kau “feel-like” ape-ape, sms je aku/ina/yang lain kalau tak tau malu. hahah.