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IVF – The 2WW & A Bad Case of OHSS
Warning: This entry may be too descriptive and long. :p The 2-week-wait (2ww) began and the end seemed so far. I’m still on my 2ww and left with a few more days to go. I was thankful that my egg retrieval went by without a hitch coz I read online […]
IVF – Halfway There
We are almost halfway there with IVF. I was albeit anxious coz I was remembering the unsuccessful pre-IUI injections that I had with Dr. J over at Raffles. Just worried that the eggs would not grow. Anyhooos, this is gonna be quite a lenghty entry plus a lil bit descriptive. […]
Here We Go, Start of IVF
But before I start, a friend asked me if I can keep anything a secret coz I’m always posting up stuffs about my journey, my life to the world. I think he caught me at a very bad timing coz I was alone @ KKH waiting for a scan and […]
Too Many IVF Acronyms
Just started to join in the forums available in SG and too many acronyms that I have no clue whatsoever. Found this online and must say it’s helpful. 2WW = 2-Week Wait ABF = Adoptive Breastfeeding AF = Aunt Flo or Menstrual cycle AI = Artificial Insemination AO = Anovulation […]
Fever Before Your Cycle
Not too sure how many of you ladies get this but I have been having this too often. Only this recent one is that I have been getting it quite daily. I was on Dydrogesterone to induce my cycle and after the 5th day, i started to get a sudden […]
Now Then I Know…
I blogged a few days back about Femara (Letrozole), here. Since taking this, I have been having some bad cramps after the cycle. It occurs above the cervix area as well as at both sides of the ovaries. It got quite bad that I can’t stand up too long and […]
Seeing Red!
This entry may be TMI! Finally I made an appt. to call up Dr. J and collect all my test results… *dreaded test results* This was 2 Fridays ago and being the “always-do-things-without-waiting” kinda person, I called up KKH to set an appointment with Dr. S. She was recommended to […]
Reflecting (of some sort)
Come to a point in life where I feel that I kinda need to tone down being a people pleaser (I think I am one by nature). It has always been in me to go all out for anyone that I’m close with but I dunno… I’ve been having this […]
How Apt!
How apt I feel this is for those who keep talking about it but don’t know what the heck I’m going through…